Reports on Environmental Physics
(Berichte zur Umweltphysik (Print), ISSN 1439-8222)
(Berichte zur Umweltphysik (Internet), ISSN 1439-8303)
Reports on Environmental Physics is a series published by Janicke
Consulting. The reports of this series appear at irregular time intervals
and are made available free of charge on this Internet page. All rights
are reserved to the publisher.
(3571 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 11, Edition 1,
November 2023)
Ulf Janicke:
Effective conversion rates between NO and NO2.
(Language: German)
This report describes the derivation of effective conversion rates between NO and NO2 based on reaction mechanisms of the standard VDI 3783 Part 19 (2017) and their application in the program system LASREA (particle model LASAT in combination with higher order reactions). The effective conversion rates (and their inverse, the effective conversion times) can be used in conventional dispersion models such as LASAT or AUSTAL. Categorized conversion times were derived, which depend only on the background concentration, the atmospheric stability and the time of day. They can therefore be specified as time series without additional required parameters, for example within the framework of the regulation TA Luft (2021). Comparisons were made with the conversion times according to the standard VDI 3782 Part 1 (2016) and validations were carried out for a complex emission system. The developed methods and models can also be used for more special problems. The work was funded by the research project FKZ 3719 51 203 0.
(207 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 10, Edition 2,
June 2019)
Ulf Janicke:
Specification of the calculation of plume rise for stacks and cooling towers.
(Language: German)
This report contains a specification of the calculation of plume rise for stacks and cooling
towers. The specification is based on the three-dimensional, integral plume rise model for dry
and wet plumes PLURIS, on additional studies described in Report
on Environmental Physics No. 9, and on conventions. It can be used for
example in the context of dispersion calculations with a particle model according to the standard
VDI 3945 Part 3 (2000).
(15729 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 9, Edition 1,
April 2017)
Ulf Janicke, Lutz Janicke, Wolfgang Bächlin,
Thomas Flassak, Wolfgang Theurer, Alfred Trukenmüller: Enhancement
of selected methodical foundations for the calculation of stack height
and dispersion according to TA Luft. (Language: German)
Abstract: This report quotes research that has
been carried out 2015/2016 on behalf of the German Federal
Environmental Agency (UBA) in the project
Enhancement of selected
methodical foundations
for the calculation of stack height and dispersion according to TA
Luft (FKZ 3714 43 204 00)
by the companies Ingenieurbüro Janicke, Ingenieurbüro Lohmeyer and
Ingenieurbüro Theurer.
It contains (Section results of the supplementary research on
Wind tunnel determination of
an equivalent block height for numerical microscale modelling by
Ingenieurbüro Theurer on
behalf of the federal states Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hessen
und Thüringen and a
comparison (Section 2.5) of former and new stack heights carried out by
Alfred Trukenmüller
(UBA) in course of steering this research project.
Wolfgang Theurer: Wind tunnel determination of an equivalent block
height for numerical microscale modelling. (Language: German)
(1546 KB)
Wolfgang Theurer:Treatment of near-roof sources in the
numerical modelling. (Language: German)
(1617 KB)
(343 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 8, Edition 2,
April 2017)
Ulf Janicke, Lutz Janicke: Accurate
numerical solution and analytical approximation for the wind profile
over flat terrain. (Language: English)
Abstract: An accurate numerical procedure for
calculating the vertical profile of wind speed and wind direction over
flat terrain for a given exchange coefficient profile is presented
together with an analytical approximation. The profiles can be used in
local wind or air quality studies over flat terrain. In contrast to
simpler analytical profiles, the proposed profiles provide a consistent
treatment of both wind speed and wind direction, as well close to the
ground. In contrast to prognostic wind field models, the proposed
methods demand considerably less computation power. However, they
provide a smooth transition to the profiles resulting from prognostic
wind field models in the limit of flat and homogeneous terrain.
(2469 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 7, Edition 1,
February 2011)
Ulf Janicke, Lutz Janicke: Some
aspects of the definition of meteorological boundary layer profiles
and comparisons with measurements. (Language: German)
Abstract: Meteorological boundary layer
profiles, like the current standard profiles of the dispersion models
LASAT and AUSTAL2000, are compared with measurements. Several aspects
are discussed relevant for the setup of standard profiles, for example
in connection with guideline VDI 3783 Part 8. The measurements have been
evaluated and prepared as data sets by the University of Hamburg (group
of Prof. B. Brümmer; Dr. G. Peters, I. Lange). The data (Excel files and
report) are provided on the website (
(1021 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 6, Edition 1,
April 2008)
Ulf Janicke, Lutz Janicke: Auswaschen von
SO2, NOX und Staub durch Regen: Modellparameter für
Ausbreitungsmodelle nach VDI 3945 Blatt 3. (Language: German)
Abstract: In einem Lagrangeschen
Ausbreitungsmodell nach Richtlinie VDI 3945 Blatt 3 wird der
Bodeneintrag durch trockene und nasse Deposition mit Hilfe der Parameter
Depositionsgeschwindigkeit und Auswaschrate beschrieben. In diesem
Vorhaben werden Parameterwerte für SO2, NOX und Staub hergeleitet. Die
Werte für trockene Deposition basieren auf der Richtlinie VDI 3782 Blatt
5. Zur Beschreibung des Auswaschens durch Regen wird eine Kombination
aus Depositionsgeschwindigkeit und Auswaschrate verwendet, mit der die
komplexen Effekte aus Absorption, Desorption und chemischer Umsetzung im
Regentropfen näherungsweise berücksichtigt werden.
(3799 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 5, Edition 2,
March 2007)
Lutz Janicke, Ulf Janicke: Die Entwicklung
des Ausbreitungsmodells AUSTAL2000G. (Language: German)
Abstract: Die TA Luft regelt, wie die
Ausbreitung von Schadstoffen in der Atmosphäre im Rahmen von
Genehmigungsverfahren zu berechnen ist. Die Umsetzung dieser Vorschrift
ist beispielhaft im Computerprogramm AUSTAL2000 (Version 1.1)
erfolgt.Der Wunsch der Bundesländer, mit einem möglichst ähnlichen
Modell auch die Geruchsausbreitung zu berechnen, führte zum Projekt
AUSTAL2000G. In einer Reihe von Vorstudien und Teilprojekten wurde die
Umsetzung realisiert, die zur Version 2.0 von AUSTAL2000 führte. Sie ist
sowohl für TA Luft Anwendungen als auch für Geruchsausbreitungsfragen
einsetzbar. Dieser Bericht faßt die im Laufe der Entwicklung erstellten
Berichte der Teilvorhaben zusammen.
(172 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 4, Edition 2,
March 2006)
Lutz Janicke: A note on the distribution
function of density fluctuations in the model COFIN. (Language:
Abstract: In the model COFIN the density
fluctuations in a plume are derived from LIDAR measurements. However,
the distribution function given is neither normalized nor non-negative.
It is shown how these deficiencies can be removed.
(514 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 3, Edition 1,
November 2000)
Ulf Janicke: Auswaschen von NH3 durch
Regen: Bestimmung einer effektiven Auswaschrate. (Language:
Abstract: Es wird das Auswaschen von
atmosphärischem Ammoniak durch Regen untersucht, wobei die gleichzeitige
Aufnahme von CO2 berücksichtigt wird. Es wird eine effektive
Auswaschrate für NH3 hergeleitet, wobei davon ausgegangen wird, daß die
Ammoniak-Wolke durch eine vertikal homogene Schicht beschrieben wird.
Die Ergebnisse werden mit experimentellen Messungen verglichen. Als
Anwendung wird der Masseneintrag in den Erdboden aufgrund nasser
Deposition für eine konkrete Störfallsituation berechnet.
(694 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 2, Edition 1,
October 2000)
Lutz Janicke, Ulf Janicke: Vorschlag eines
meteorologischen Grenzschichtmodells für Lagrangesche
Ausbreitungsmodelle. (Language: German)
Abstract: Auf der Basis einer ausführlichen
Literaturrecherche wird ein meteorologisches Grenzschichtmodell
bestimmt, welches im Rahmen von Ausbreitungsrechnungen mit
Lagrange-Modellen verwendet werden kann. Das Modell wird anhand von
Experimenten validiert.
(461 KB) (Reports on Environmental Physics, Number 1, Edition 1,
August 2000)
Lutz Janicke: A random walk model for
turbulent diffusion. (Language: English)
Abstract: An algorithm of a random walk model
is presented that is not restricted to time steps small with respect to
the smallest Lagrangian correlation time. The correct relation for the
drift velocity under these circumstances is derived. The increased value
of the time step makes it possible in many cases to perform the
dispersion calculation within a shorter time or with higher accuracy. In
addition, an empirical expression for the drift velocity is given that
is also valid for a spatially varying time step. The algorithm described
is implemented in the Lagrangian dispersion model LASAT.